Progressive Transition Back to Society


Target treatment approach: Phases of progress providing individual with skills and foundation through MRT and Interactive Journaling (to include transition programs) to overcome behavioral barriers of compliance.

Client follows a Treatment plan while in Segregation for the potential of gaining additional privileges and transitioning back onto the yard. The programs mission is to target clients who are in a contemplative stage about making changes and complying with societal norms/laws and regulations.

Clients go through 34 modules total focusing on:

Lack of Honesty/Trust with self an others, Refusal to follow social norms/societal ethics/morals, hedonistic pleasure seeking, unrealistic expectations, greed, low morals, Pretending and hiding things, common motives of those with low moral reasoning, moral development and re-structuring, abuse of self and others, habits and flawed behaviors/emotions/thinking patterns, acceptance of rules, opposition, irresponsibility in relationships, self-involvement, failing to help others, lack of identity, lack of commitment to short term/long term goals and assist the client in restructuring each principal/stepping stone prior to focusing on Will Power and Self-Discipline.

Once a client has stepped out of his/her current shoes, he/she is given the opportunity to re-build a foundation that is comfortable for the client in which he/she identifies: what the meaning of will power is, what good habits are by setting goals and tracking progress, developing will power, overcoming barriers and obstacles that drain will power, mental imagery and determination, self- discipline (what it means to each individual), importance of true freedom and responsibility, how to develop self-discipline and maintain it, relationship between success and self-discipline, what it means to stay the same, establishing a one year master goal plan, and establishing what self- discipline means to the client.

Behavioral Modification is a set of 3 programs, each having components of MRT and Interactive Journaling Challenge Series.