Noa Counseling Offers:

Noa Counseling, LLC is certified to provide training to KYDOC employees in Moral Reconation Therapy (Certification) and Moral Reconation Therapy Trauma (Breaking the Chains of Trauma Training). Please contact us at for more information about Moral Reconation Therapy If you are an employee of Kentucky Department of Corrections.

If you are not employed by KY Department of Corrections, you may book your training through Correctional Counseling, Inc. on the following website: or call (901) 360-1564

MRT & Interactive Journaling Specialized Program

KY DOC Approved Programs – Approved 90 MGT programs

Interactive Journaling Certification Training

This training provides for all the information necessary in order for you to implement any of the Interactive Journaling Curriculums. Within the certification training, you will learn about Cognitive Behavioral Treatment, Motivational Interviewing and Rogarian Treatment Styles.

Moreover, The Change Companies portrays what they mean by true evidence based. Change How Offenders Think, Change the Environment, Reduce Incidents, Maintain Staff (reduce turn over), Be the Agent of Environmental Change for a Safer Work and Living Environment.

Auditors Training

This training encompasses an evaluation tool utilized to monitor MRT and its related program’s success. Moreover, the training includes a detailed how to guide on auditing, monitoring and supervising those that are in the MRT treatment program, as well as, are facilitators of the program. It gives you confidence to audit a program.

This training provides you with the foundational knowledge necessary in order to understand What Works in corrections, Theory behind Moral Reconation Therapy, and the significance of each MRT Chapter.

Moreover, Correctional Counseling Inc. will provide you with outcome research demonstrating the outcome that MRT has had over the last 30 years in corrections within the US and other countries.

Minimum of 1 year experience facilitating Moral Reconation Therapy or the equivalent of 6 graduated MRT groups. In order to become an auditor, you will have to be audited by one of our staff to make sure that you understand the program standards.